The Notorious Lady (Deleted and alternative Scenes)

Alternative scene: This is the alternative scene at Porter’s dinner party, when a drunken man approaches Grace.

“Oh, look at that one! She looks delectable!” A loud, overbearing voice sounded from behind, and then Tricheuse was unceremoniously yanked away from Ford.

Ford turned to see a man holding her by the arm and studying her with a lecherous gaze.

“Unhand her immediately.” Ford stepped closer to the man.

“Oh, is she your whore? Don’t be rude,” the man drawled. “We can share her. Surely, she’s got enough holes to fill.”

Ford didn’t register himself moving. The only thing he knew was that rage filled his entire being, and in the next moment, the man who had handled Tricheuse was on the floor, holding his nose while Ford’s fist vibrated with pain.

A few people gasped, looking at them in awe, yet nobody rushed to intervene or help the man writhing in pain on the floor.

“What are you doing?” Tricheuse grabbed Ford by his sleeve and forcibly led him away. “Do you want all the attention on us? Because that’s what you’re doing!”

“Did you not hear what he was saying?”

Tricheuse stopped as they reached an alcove. She hid them behind the curtains, then turned toward Ford, her fists at her sides. “Yes, I did hear. It wasn’t the first time, nor will it be the last. I am a whore, remember?”

Ford swallowed, flashes of anger running through his body. “You shouldn’t have to tolerate this.”

She let out a bitter laugh. “I don’t need saving. More importantly, I am not yours to save. I am capable of taking care of myself. We are here on the job, and with one reckless act, you could have ruined everything. And for what? A harlot’s honor? Or your own?”


Deleted scene: This was part of the conversation with Hades and Grace. I imagine they still had this conversation at some point that day. It just didn’t fit right within the context of the conversation they ended up having at the docks.

Hades licked his lips, studying her warily. “Eloise is with child,” he finally said.

A genuine smile tugged at Grace’s lips. “I knew it.”

Hades huffed a breath. “Of course, you did. You always had a feeling about things like this. We only confirmed it last night.”

“I am very happy for you,” Grace said. Then, noticing Hades’ troubled expression, she added, “Are you?”

His eyes immediately gained focus. “Of course, I am. Happy. Exhilarated… Also terrified.”

“Of what?”

“That I won’t be able to protect it…”

Grace snorted. “You? Won’t be able to protect it? Don’t be ridiculous.”

He shrugged. “Our parents couldn’t.”

Grace turned to him fully. “Our parents were alone. They didn’t have friends or family. They didn’t have anyone. You have me. And Eloise has… Ford. That child will be so loved. And not just by its parents.”

Scroll down for one more scene

Thank you for reading the deleted scenes from “The Notorious Lady” I hope you enjoyed it!

Be sure to pre-order book 9, The Big Bad Duke.

Thank you!

Alternative scene: This is the alternative scene between Grace as Tricheuse and Ford in The House of Pain and Pleasure, when they’re looking for the logbook.

A pile of books was stacked in a haphazard fashion on the bare floorboards. He furrowed his brow. Did harlots like to read? He didn’t know they could.

As he reached Tricheuse, his gaze snagged on an unusual chair tucked into the corner. He wasn’t certain he could call it a chair, since the seat had been cut out, the gaping hole surrounded by plush cushioning. Ford’s brow knitted in puzzlement as he stepped closer to the peculiar chair, peeking inside the hole, only to see a plush pillow lying beneath.

He gripped the back of the chair. “And just what, pray tell, is this supposed to be?”

Tricheuse glanced at the chair, then gave him an appraising look, her gaze stopping on his hand. “Did you not learn not to touch things you’re unfamiliar with in the brothel?”

Ford snatched his hand away as if the chair had burned him. The wicked woman had the audacity to laugh at him. “I was simply making a joke. The back of this chair has most assuredly not seen any depravities… yet.”

“Somehow, I doubt it,” he grumbled under his breath.

“Actually, it is a prototype,” she said as she fiddled with the wall. “It hasn’t been used for its purpose yet.”

“And what is the purpose of this bottomless chair, might I ask?”

She raised a brow. “Care to guess?”

“Not even a little.”

She paused whatever she was doing and licked her lips. “A woman is to sit with her skirts tucked up around her waist. And a man is to lie here, with his head cradled by the cushion.”

He swallowed, his voice suddenly thick. “A woman would sit… on a man’s face.”

“Yes,” her voice was breathy as she looked straight into his eyes.

“Is this supposed to be for the men’s wing or the women’s?” he asked, not breaking eye contact.

A small smile touched her lips. “Both. Some men pay for the honor of pleasuring a woman.”

“Pleasuring a harlot?” His voice grew strangled. “He couldn’t imagine kissing a harlot on the mouth, much less anywhere else.”

“Have you never lowered yourself to be with a harlot then?”

“I have. But it was a long time ago. I was a foolish youth. And it was a whore who used her mouth to pleasure me, not the other way around.”

Yet here he was imagining doing just that to Madame Tricheuse.

She ran her gaze down his length, sending a frisson of desire through his body. Yet she didn’t answer. She just turned away.

Ford gritted his teeth, forcing his body to behave. It didn’t quite work.

Thank you for reading the deleted scenes from “The Notorious Lady” I hope you enjoyed it!

Be sure to pre-order book 9, The Big Bad Duke.

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Published by sadiebosque

Sadie Bosque is a pen name, or an alter ego, if you like, of a sheltered young woman from outskirts of the World. The author uses her secret identity to write steamy historical romance novels by night, hoping to create the perfect escape for people like her. Extremely introverted, the author likes her privacy, but will divulge her writing process and ideas on her social media.

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